Although we don't know much about the personal life of this beloved American composer (he died young and never married) we know from his music that he was a romantic. According to friends and associates, he was apparently quite modest and unaware of his genius although given to brilliant ideas on the spur of the moment. During the development and actual recording of this album, I tried to imagine the songs he would play and the style he might use while serenading his new sweetheart.


Most of the signature tunes are here with a decidedly romantic flair. The melodies are more dreamy and the playful rhythms a bit subdued. There's more space for breathing and the edges have been softened. I hope you will enjoy the results and perhaps be led to share in the Gershwin romance yourself. Mr. Gershwin has been a musical hero of mine since childhood, and this recording has truly been a labor of love. Although there is no way to do justice to his work, I have done my best.


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