Imagine the world under a fresh blanket of snow. The smell of a Christmas kitchen. The sounds of church bells, sleigh bells, jingle bells. The children's excitement, the laughter, the sweet smile of a grandparent. Pine boughs. Imagine Christmas Eve, the carols, church choirs, candles, and a neighbor reading the nativity story from Luke. A clear, cold night, amazing starlight. Perhaps that one was what the wise men saw, perhaps that one is Rudolph's nose.


I, for one, believe that you can go home again. We can go back to the homes where we grew up, to see new generations and visit old friends, to say hello to an old maple tree or spend time by a familiar little stream. And we can also visit the homes we hold in our hearts and remember within. Fond memories fuel our imaginations and in a moment, we are there.


It is my hope that some of these songs and arrangements, so carefully and lovingly crafted, will prompt you to plan a visit home, or at least brighten a memory, and help you on your journey within. I pray that you and yours will have a merry and meaningful holiday season, and that sometime soon, you too will enjoy A Christmas Homecoming.


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